"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." -Coco Chanel

Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh Hello There!

 So it's been awhile since i've been here
Here are some lovely pics of what i've been up too lately...

What I was wearing: Blouse (lol such a funny word): Jcrew, Skirt: Anne Taylor, Belt: UO, Shoes: Franco Sarto, Jewelry: Gift from my Papi
I hated saying goodbye to the most lovely roommates ever!
They are amazing, kind, loving and became some
of my really good friends! :)
I love you guys!

 What I was wearing: Top: Jcrew, Shorts: Old Navy, Sandals: Aero online,
 Bag: Gift from my mom

What we wore:
Him: Polo: A&F, Jeans: Levi's Skinnies, Shoes: Vans
Her: Top: Jcrew, Jeans: F21, Sandals: Aero Online.

The last couple weeks have been cray cray (crazy)!! Life can do that to you sometimes
just when you least expect it! I'm loving it though! I am having so much fun
and am excited for the future and what lies ahead!
 Saying goodbye to a lot of my friends
 and the cute boy above was...heart WRENCHING! But I am happy
and glad to be where I am!
Love you all! Thanks for Reading!

PS. I'm going to the FASHION CAPITAL of the WORLD (NYC) in 18 days!
To visit that cute boy above!
Stay tuned for some amazingness!

Monday, July 11, 2011


I have the greatest friends!

This is what my room looked like after breakfast
100 million balloons filled with candy and little notes written on the outside
so cute right! :)

If that weren't enough...they also threw me the best birthday bbq a girl could ask for!
With all my friends and favorite people!
really like 50 of my closest friends came :)

and we ate a lot of food...tons of food! and laughed and laughed!
It was a lovely time!

Well basically it was the best time ever and i've never felt so loved by good friends before!
Thank you too my beautiful roommates and friends for putting it together!
23 is going to be great I can just tell!

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Big 4th

(I don't know why this picture won't rotate!)

Details: Maxi Dress: TJmaxx, Tshirt: No idea haha, Bandana: Target? lol Or even better I think I stole it from my mom when I was like 13 and going camping.

Well 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays and i'm so happy that
today we can celebrate the freedom of this country and all the amazing
things about America...like cotton candy and chocolate milk!
I also am so appreciative for all those who fought and are fighting for our country
especially my bfffffffffffffffffffffff Michelle! :)

Happy Birthday America!
now lets go party in the USA...
"Noddin my head like yeah...moving my hips like yeah..."
Gosh I hate when Miley Cyrus is right!

Salty Lake

So I took a quick impromptu trip to SLC this weekend...
(I know right, my impulsive side keeps appearing!)
to sneak in a little birthday shopping...(that's allowed right!?) ha
Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Alexander!!!!!!! for the bday $$!
And to see this kid...

don't mind the terrible photo...it had been a long day by then! haha
Isn't my brother cute? (NO WE ARE NOT DATING...if I had a dollar every time a stranger asked us that...I'd go shopping!) Well ladies he's single and respectable ;) so snatch that up real quick!
I also got to see some of my other good friends and catch up with some of my old friends.

OHHHH YEAH! I'm so excited I was walking the streets of Salt Lake and this cute girl/reader/follower Rachel approached me and asked me if I had a fashion blog and if she could have a picture for her blog...this totally went to my head of course! I mean whatttttttttt? lol it was so funny
I was SHOCKED that she was following all the way in Utah (I mean come on i'm just an
ammature!) but she was adorable and I was going to take a photo but my poor little point and shoot
camera died! :( hopefully she's reading and will send me that pic! :)

ALSOOOOO AGES ago...DINOSAUR ages ago, I used to work at J.Crew at the Gateway
and this weekend I ran into some of my good friends there as well! So exciting to see
everyone! I couldn't believe that some of those cuties were still there, but I was so happy to see them!
Sarah D., you are adorable! Thanks for following me all the way from Utah! And thanks for hooking me up girl!! Jerry, I miss your singing on the sales floor and you always cleaning out my fitting rooms for me! ;) And to all my other friends (I'm sad that I didn't get to see my good friend Lindsay who is a personal shopper there) so good to know that you're doing well!
(I will post outfit pictures for J.Crew asap! I'm so excited to work with them online!)

anddddddddddddddd the best for last!
I met up with a certain boy last night and it was the best!! :)

Well See you tomorrow for the Red, White & Blue
Thanks for following my madness!
Yawn...night my babies