Left to right: Indian Boots: UO, Tall Riding Boots: Steve Madden, Both the Burgandy & Light Brown (same style, different color) Old Navy, Brown Heels: Steve Madden, Black Boots: Target (I think?), Hounds Tooth Rainboots: Gifted! **3rd Picture Down:Motorcycle Boots: GUESS, Medium Height Riding Boots: Jcrew, UGGS, Picture 4th down: Plaid Snow Boots: Target (They have the best TRED for the inches and inches of snow that I walk through), Combat Boots: Thrifted**
Do they have help for people like me??!
I could even fit them all in one frame! AHHHHHHH!!!
I could even fit them all in one frame! AHHHHHHH!!!
While we're on the topic of shoes...and since it's almost time to put these beauties away for the spring and summer I just thought I'd let the world in on a little secret...YES! I have a boots fetish! My poor Dad is probably wondering where all my grocery money went...um well now he knows! JK! REALLY just joking Dad! (Yes, my cute Dad reads my blog everyday & Yes he's probably appalled by the amount of clothes I have!) But seriously he is probably sitting in his office at home, (with a game of hearts up and important papers scattered across his desk of course) about to have a heart attack! Yeah it's bad I know! lol Especially because Roommie and I hit a sale the other weekend and I bought another pair!!! Just remember I live in a climate where more than 6 months out of the year it's either snowing or incredibly icy...so BOOT (GOOD BOOTS) are a necessity! (Yes, this is how I justify my addiction!) I will now go search the internet in hopes of finding an obsessed with boots addiction support group (or maybe I'll have to start one)! Wish me luck! In the mean time, farewell to my delicious boots collection...see you next fall (or the next time it snows so probably next week)!!
ps. Thanks for reading...I know I'm a little nutty (just not a peanut, yuck)! Tomorrow i'll do an outfit post...I promise k!
I have a boot fetish too. I have 15 pairs of men's riding boots that I wear underneath my jeans and dress pants.