Everyone knows that half of going to school is what you wear to class! Being a health care major, I split my time in between lecture and lab meaning half of the week I can wear whatever I want without worrying, but lab day I try and wear scrubs or something pretty casual (casual for me =jeans and a sweater) especially if we're working on Cadavers that day (the stench just absorbs in your clothes and stays with you until you have a chance to change). The first day of school has always been a big deal in my family, growing up we always had a new, clean outfit and always took a picture by our front door with our backpacks, it was just tradition! I appreciate my mother for always doing this because looking back at those photos it's amazing to see the fashion growth lol! Plus who doesn't want to feel extra special wearing something new on the first day of school? Enjoy! ♥

Details: Jeans: 7 for all mankind skinny jeans, Top: Monrow by Anthropolgie, Shoes: Target Wedges, Necklace: Gift. Messenger Bag: Aldo
How fun! I wish you lived closer and you could help me out with my fashion decisions.